John Williams, Ph.D., a study of archeology and anthropology. Research and field in the Palaeolithic and the Neolithic of the Old World, "which basically means the Stone Age in Europe, Africa and Asia. John has always been in the diet that works very well in prehistoric studies, because in the past, a very good meal interested.

CB: John, you have an interesting background. Talking about the North American diet and muscleBody fat. What new approach to sports nutrition, fat loss and health?
V8 Vegetable Juice
I try to keep my interest in nutrition literature, performance, but I do not think I get my head in performance nutrition for athletes. Others, like John Berardi, have acquired experience in the region to discuss the latest best practices.
I read a lot of oil lately and their positive impact on overall health andpositive effect on body composition. Add some fish oil "in the diet is one of the easiest ways to increase your metabolism. Recent studies have shown that a combined minimum of 3 grams of EPA and DHA (two fatty acids Omega-3), the metabolism of about 400 k / cal / day calculated.
These fatty acids are long chain also many benefits for general health, including brain health, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory and better glucose. Something like thatas simple as popping a few capsules of fish oil each meal, you can live longer, leaner, smarter living!
CB: John, there is another food that requires a great of importance in the diet at all?
Fish oils have been the reasons stated in my previous answer. A must for any spinach food. Among leafy vegetables, spinach with the best performance in terms of vitamins and trace elements. E "is full of important phytochemicalsVitamin A, vitamin B, calcium, phosphorus, iron, folic acid and potassium.
But not all! Spinach is also an alkaline food available, so it helps neutralize acidic foods that are common to the average diet high in protein. So, adding more spinach to the diet too much stress we can relieve us rely on our muscles and bones.
I also think that many people could benefit from increases in daily consumption of fruits and vegetables for profit. I'm not talking about juicea V8, but the reality is or: all colors and variety of vegetables and fruits, you know. This is not new, but fruits and vegetables has huge advantages, improved blood lipid anti-tumor that to increase energy efficiency.
Another eating cereal, I think many people quinoa (pronounced KEEN-oowa) benefit. There is a grain from South America for the ancestors of the Incas, with a gentle climbPlant resembling spinach. So a "green line", but in areas such as wheat and corn.
Quinoa gluten free and contains no common allergens, the grains of the grass family such as wheat, rye, barley, oats and corn. Quinoa also contains lysine, an amino acid found in many grains, a complete protein. Quinoa is an excellent source of calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and vitamin B. It is one of the good guys in wheatFamily, choose one point to another in a market with complete utility.
CB: Is there a diet, you want to clean your fat loss myths?
Given the recent wave of oscillation in the low-carb diet, it seems that many people use food as an excuse for not vegetables. Diets low in carbohydrates are definitely benefits to many people, but absolutely no excuse for a lot of broccoli, to avoid the anxiety of certain carbohydrates. If you likeMargarine is broccoli (green) Describe do nothing but good.
CB: Thanks John. I believe that consuming large amounts of fibrous vegetables are always important, and too thin. What do you think someone needs to eat to lose weight? It remains to be distinguished from food thin thin at the beginning?
Be the first to the last question: is the ideal place to learn to eat to maximize health goals and performance, and simply eat more or less afterthe amount of muscle gain or lose fat. In other words, what you eat to stay slim and slender, consumed only on the total number of calories.
There may be cases where someone would benefit from an extreme diet such as Atkins years ago oversupply and poor, but there is always the risk that a person of recovery, even if, as you learn to eat properly.
So how you eat, you can (and stay) lean? I justSimple rules, such as the balance of calories, enough protein, plenty of vegetables and fruits in general, unprocessed carbohydrates in the window outside the post-exercise, fat, balanced - and n ' Do not forget the other side of the coin of the activity (preferably a mixture of heavy lifting and heart). Of course, there are many details in the rules and tricks to make it work for every goal, but it all comes down to simple rules.
My good friend John Berardi has spoken in detailthe place that some people tend to raise hard, and a healthy diet, the acquisition of knowledge. These people have physical injuries or even medium term, but he spent all his time looking for the Holy Grail of physics and knowledge in nutrition. How many carbohydrates, the portion of 5.8 dl artichokes, and how it affects the insulin level? Who cares, just eat the damn thing, and go lift heavy weights! The fact is that it takes hard work to the gym to get a goodBuilding, in addition to knowing how to eat and what you can lift.
It is obvious that the road in both directions, and there are hordes of people who do not know an artichoke in a Twinkie, but the key is in the details, you really lost and neglect: a balanced diet and training hard.
CB: I have a degree in archeology and after exploring the development and food, right? What lessons from the study? How can I eat? Youdiffer geographically?
It is true, Craig. What the archaeologists, as it is fun to fashion "Paleo Diet" and Neander books, such as thin. It was not the only paleo-diet, and people during the Paleolithic diet, which was only their hands and what they ate, based on what part of the world lived. I recently spoke to Erik Trinkaus, a paleoanthropologist and a world renowned expert on Neanderthal man, and his thoughts on the subject with the words "Neanderthals idyllic world in any way. These people are the hard and died young, and their version of the paleo-diet to eat what you do not eat before. "
There are a couple of hours in the past that help explain why so many food problem is to learn.
There are a few simple lessons from the archaeological discoveries of food have learned:
Eat a protein) more or less of other things.
In short,A diet rich in plants, millions of fish and animals of years. Numerous studies in scientific journals show that protein intake will start from 10 to 15% of the national impact of positive results in average blood lipids and body composition was issued.
2) Get your carbohydrates from the source.
Paleolithic man did not have Krispy Kreme would be, if it is not as rich as the average of today's sugar-addict. Outside the window after exercise when therapid absorption of simple sugars and proteins is desirable that each of them, reducing processed foods too, raising the aisles of our grocery stores, and the benefit of the food instead of the original, very good condition. If you looked in my kitchen cabinet, you must use a variety of vegetables and whole grains: quinoa, barley, oats cut, steel, oat bran, wheat bran, lentils , peas and chickpeas.
3) Eat fruits and vegetables.
It is clear that we have developedThe benefits of a diet rich in fruits and vegetables preserved remains of hundreds of varieties of wild plants for food locations such as Ohalo II, the fishing village of 23,000 annual Camp Galilee Wed. I've never understood is the number of vegetarians hate to try, my friends and family to eat more than what they started.
Avoid the months, I finally convinced his friend, good vegetables to increase the inflow of me. It was not big, butincreasingly frustrated with the slow-growing tire around your waist. I gave a few recipes, things like broccoli and spinach are well, and it is my opinion after this change, thinner than ever in his life and he always says how much energy it is.
4) the balance of these fats.
This is an issue that is really my link to prehistoric research. It is interesting to note how the fatty acid composition of the modern Western dietcompared to saturated fatty acids and omega-6, at the expense of monounsaturated fatty acids and omega-3. In our not too distant past this was not possible because wild animals are not in total fat, and there was no maize meal, increased omega-6, tissue Fed. Our ancestors were much more omega-3 from wild plants, animals and fish. Overall, it seems that we are a diet for a healthy dose of monounsaturated fats, nuts, seeds and animals, so thatand about the same amount of omega-6 and omega-3. Numerous studies have shown that inflated Omega-6 and omega-3 heart disease, diabetes and obesity, while more balanced fatty acid, monounsaturated fatty acids, including the right to effectively protect against these problems health. What is the solution? free-range meat and eggs are always a good choice, and if you buy meat from grazing animals, go for the leaner varieties. Cast your earOil in the cupboard, and instead of olive oil, then eat lots of fish and / or add to the flax and fish oil.
CB: Thanks John. Excellent info. Simple instructions. Concentrate on all natural foods.
Caveman Nutrition: Is this the right way to eat for fat loss
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